// JavaScript Document
// returns true if the string is empty
function isEmpty(str){
return (str == null) || (str.length == 0);
// returns true if the string is a valid email
function isEmail(str){
if(isEmpty(str)) return false;
//var re = /^[^\s()<>@,;:\/]+@\w[\w\.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$/i
var re=/^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/;
return re.test(str);
// returns true if the string only contains characters A-Z or a-z
function isAlpha(str){
var re = /^(([A-Za-z])+)$/;
return re.test(str);
//if (re.test(str)) return false;
//return true;
// returns true if the string only contains characters 0-9
function isNumeric(str){
var re = /[\D]/g
if (re.test(str)) return false;
return true;
function isFloat( strValue ) {
DESCRIPTION: Validates that a string contains only
valid integer number.
strValue - String to be tested for validity
True if valid, otherwise false.
var objRegExp = /(^\d{0,5}(\.\d{1,2})?$)|(^-?\d\d*$)/;
//var objRegExp = /(^-?\d\d*\.\d*$)|(^-?\d\d*$)|(^-?\.\d\d*$)/;
//check for integer characters
return objRegExp.test(strValue);
// returns true if the string only contains characters A-Z, a-z or 0-9
function isAlphaNumeric(str){
var re = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g
if (re.test(str)) return false;
return true;
// returns true if the string's length equals "len"
function isLength(str, len){
return str.length == len;
// returns true if the string's length is between "min" and "max"
function isLengthBetween(str, min, max){
return (str.length >= min)&&(str.length <= max);
// returns true if the string is a US phone number formatted as...
// (000)000-0000, (000) 000-0000, 000-000-0000, 000.000.0000, 000 000 0000, 0000000000
function isPhoneNumber(str){
var re = /^\(?[0-9]\d{2}[\)\.-]?\s?\d{3}[\s\.-]?\d{4}$/
return re.test(str);
// returns true if the string is a valid date formatted as...
// mm dd yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mm.dd.yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy
function isDate(str){
var re = /^(\d{1,2})[\s\.\/-](\d{1,2})[\s\.\/-](\d{4})$/
if (!re.test(str)) return false;
var result = str.match(re);
var m = parseInt(result[1]);
var d = parseInt(result[2]);
var y = parseInt(result[3]);
if(m < 1 || m > 12 || y < 1900 || y > 2100) return false;
if(m == 2){
var days = ((y % 4) == 0) ? 29 : 28;
}else if(m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11){
var days = 30;
var days = 31;
return (d >= 1 && d <= days);
// returns true if "str1" is the same as the "str2"
function isMatch(str1, str2){
return str1 == str2;
// returns true if the string contains only whitespace
// cannot check a password type input for whitespace
function isWhitespace(str){ // NOT USED IN FORM VALIDATION
var re = /[\S]/g
if (re.test(str)) return false;
return true;
// removes any whitespace from the string and returns the result
// the value of "replacement" will be used to replace the whitespace (optional)
function stripWhitespace(str, replacement){// NOT USED IN FORM VALIDATION
if (replacement == null) replacement = '';
var result = str;
var re = /\s/g
if(str.search(re) != -1){
result = str.replace(re, replacement);
return result;
function trim(text){
return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
// validate the form
function validateForm(f, preCheck){
var errors = '';
if(preCheck != null) errors += preCheck;
var i,e,t,n,v;
for(i=0; i < f.elements.length; i++){
e = f.elements[i];
if(e.optional) continue;
t = e.type;
n = e.name;
v = e.value;
if(t == 'text' || t == 'password' || t == 'textarea'){
errors += n+' cannot be empty.\n'; continue;
if(v == e.defaultValue){
errors += n+' cannot use the default value.\n'; continue;
errors += n+' can only contain characters A-Z a-z.\n'; continue;
errors += n+' can only contain characters 0-9.\n'; continue;
errors += n+' can only contain characters A-Z a-z 0-9.\n'; continue;
errors += v+' is not a valid email.\n'; continue;
if(e.isLength != null){
var len = e.isLength;
errors += n+' must contain only '+len+' characters.\n'; continue;
if(e.isLengthBetween != null){
var min = e.isLengthBetween[0];
var max = e.isLengthBetween[1];
errors += n+' cannot contain less than '+min+' or more than '+max+' characters.\n'; continue;
errors += v+' is not a valid US phone number.\n'; continue;
errors += v+' is not a valid date.\n'; continue;
if(e.isMatch != null){
if(!isMatch(v, e.isMatch)){
errors += n+' does not match.\n'; continue;
if(t.indexOf('select') != -1){
errors += n+' needs an option selected.\n'; continue;
if(t == 'file'){
errors += n+' needs a file to upload.\n'; continue;
if(errors != '') alert(errors);
return errors == '';
The following elements are not validated...
button type="button"
checkbox type="checkbox"
hidden type="hidden"
radio type="radio"
reset type="reset"
submit type="submit"
All elements are assumed required and will only be validated for an
empty value or defaultValue unless specified by the following properties.
isEmail = true; // valid email address
isAlpha = true; // A-Z a-z characters only
isNumeric = true; // 0-9 characters only
isAlphaNumeric = true; // A-Z a-z 0-9 characters only
isLength = number; // must be exact length
isLengthBetween = array; // [lowNumber, highNumber] must be between lowNumber and highNumber
isPhoneNumber = true; // valid US phone number. See "isPhoneNumber()" comments for the formatting rules
isDate = true; // valid date. See "isDate()" comments for the formatting rules
isMatch = string; // must match string
optional = true; // element will not be validated
// ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// --------------------------------------------------
// ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// All of the previous JavaScript is coded to process
// any form and should be kept in an external file if
// multiple forms are being processed.
// This function configures the previous
// form validation code for this form.
function configureValidation(f){
f.firstname.isAlphaNumeric = true;
f.lastname.isAlphaNumeric = true;
f.email.isEmail = true;
f.phone.isPhoneNumber = true;
f.birthday.isDate = true;
f.password1.isLengthBetween = [4,255];
f.password2.isMatch = f.password1.value;
f.comments.optional = true;
var preCheck = (!f.infohtml.checked && !f.infocss.checked && !f.infojs.checked) ? 'select at least one checkbox.\n' : null;
return validateForm(f, preCheck);