
Monday, June 24, 2013

Using Putty to check Linux system memory

There are three another way to check memory on Linux

1:- free -t -m
2: vmstat
3: top

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Local File Size using java

String dFilePath = "D:/Talend/Rathna/";
File file =new File(dFilePath);
    System.out.println(" Local file Size: " + file.length());

Remote File Size using Java

Remote File Size

How can I discover the size of a remote file stored on an HTTP server? Answer:
The HTTP protocol supports the transfer of extra information about the content referenced by a URL. This information is stored in the HTTP header fields. The Content-Length header provides the size of the object referenced by the URL. Not all web servers will provide this information, so you should not develop your client code to rely on its availability.

The class provides access to any arbitrary HTTP header field through the getHeaderField() method, which will return the value of header as a string. Two other methods, getHeaderFieldDate() and getHeaderFieldInt(), will return the values of fields containing dates or integers as Date and int types respectively. They are convenience methods that save you the trouble of parsing the header field. URLConnection also provides convenience methods for accessing commonly used header fields, such as Last-Modified, Content-Type, and, yes, even Content-Length. The value of the Content-Length header is directly returned as an integer by getContentLength(). If the header value does not exist, the method returns -1.

Before querying the value of a header, you first need to establish a connection. The normal way to do this is to create a URL instance that points to the object you want to access, and then create a URLConnection with openConnection(). The following example demonstrates how to open a URLConnection and obtain the byte length of the content referenced by the URL.


public final class URLFileSize {
  public static final void main(String[] args) {
    URL url;
    URLConnection connection;
    int fileSize;

    if(args.length != 1) {
      System.err.println("Usage: URLFileSize ");

    try {
      url = new URL(args[0]);

      connection = url.openConnection();
      fileSize = connection.getContentLength();

      if(fileSize < 0)
 System.err.println("Could not determine file size.");
 System.out.println(args[0] + "\nSize: " + fileSize);

    } catch(IOException e) {

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to backup and restore MySQL database

Two ways to take backup of existing MySQL database:

1. Exporting tables to text files using MySQL dump.
2. Copying database files. (within same version) not recommended.
Exporting tables to text files using MySQL dump:
This is the best solution to keep backup of database so that we can restore it to any version of MySQL in any platform.
Syntax for exporting database to text files:
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > C:\MySQL_Backup.sql

Syntax for restoring database:
mysql --user=root --password=password < c:\ MySQL_Backup.sql
Copying database files:
MySQL stores all the tables in data directory which is divided table-wise, where table and table indexes are represented in the form of files. This approach is only valid for moving data between same version of MySQL.
Keep a copy of data directory so that we can just place it while restoring database. This process is valid only for moving database within same version.
Note: Unix file names are case sensitive whereas windows are not. So tables with names in mixed case are corrupted when we move database and tables from window to UNIX. If we use mixed case names in database and tables then it might not work properly. For best results ALWAYS use lower case names.

Physical Mysql - what are these? (.FRM, .MYI, .MYD). Need this?

Most of us work with PHPMYADMIN, Mysql Query Browser, Mysql Migration Tool, Mysql Administrator where we see the database and tables with their logical view. How many of us have see the physical structure of our db?. When the term physical comes, several question arises 
1) where do they reside?
2) what sort of file structure they possess?
3) how can we check it?
4) What are .frm, .myi, .myd inside them?
5) Are they going to differ for different Engines we use?
Generally you can find the data directory of your file with your .my.cnf file. The physical structure of db is some thing like a directory structure, where each database is a subdirectory under the main directory and has some files in it. Each table has its own file. Bascially one can see three types of files .frm, .myi, .myd.. But they are not same for all tables and db. They differ based on the engines you use and sometimes even differ with the os. There are lots of other factors that is in the backend behind the type of files you see. We will  see some basic differences.
.FRM  =>  It has the table structure of your table or table definition
.MYI  =>   It has the indexes of your table
.MYD =>   It contains your data
For ex: if your db name is school and tables called class and student. The Physical structure will have a directory called school and files class.frm, class.myi, class.myd, student.frm, student.myi, student.myd.
Engines Specific:
Lets consider table student belongs to innodb and table class has MyIsam
      Innodb has only .frm files and it has its own tablespace where it contains indexes and datas and its shared in databases. for ex: student.frm
      MyIsam has all the three files. where .myi has your indexes, .myd has your table datas and .frm has its table definition. 
ex: class.frm, class.myi, class.myd
Need this:
   You can use these files when your db crash, or when you upgrade your db to another version and it can also be used while migrating and repairing your indexes without affecting data..
Bits and pieces
   This is for those who are not aware about engines. Apart from Innodb and MyIsam there are also some other engines in mysql such as Merge, Memory, Cluster etc..

How to find and change the engines of MySQL tables

Mostly programmers use two types of engines for MySQL DB. They are Innodb, MyISAM. You can check this details very easily in PHPMyAdmin. But if you are in MySQL interactive mode in command prompt. you cant get the details that easily from your DB. But the details of your DB, Tables etc .. are maintained in a db called information_schema. So in order to fetch the details of the engines being used type the following query:
SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = [db_name];
This will list all your tables with their respective engines being used. Incase you know table_name, you can add that as a condition to your query
SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = [db_name] and TABLE_NAME=[table_name];
To change the Engines
Alter table table_name Engine=[engine you want to change]

Some Interesting statement terminators
SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = [db_name] and TABLE_NAME=[table_name]\g
SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = [db_name] and TABLE_NAME=[table_name]\G
Instead of semicolon, use \g and \G and see the difference :)

Deleting Duplicate Data In MySQL

For deleting duplicate rows in a MySQL table if we are writing the query as folows
 DELETE FROM table_name
where column_name in (
    SELECT  column_name
    FROM table_name
    GROUP BY column_A, column_B, column_C, ... 
    having COUNT(*)>1);
 then it will show
Error Code: 1093. You can't specify target table 'supplier_matrix' for update in FROM clause
It is required add a temporary table otherwise it will throw error.
Following query first selects the duplicate rows and creates a temporary table temp and the deletes the duplicate rows.
DELETE FROM table_name 
where column_name in(
    SELECT  column_name
        FROM (
                select column_name
                FROM table_name
                GROUP BY column_A, column_B, column_C, ...
                having COUNT(*)>1)temp

Mysql Restrictions

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Technology Needs to know

5th jun 2013 4:41 Pm

1. R Programming language
2. Python
4. SSIS 
6. Talend

7. Mysql DBA
8. MsSql DBA